NEON-dagene 2023
Trondheim 21. – 23. november
André Spicer is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Dean of Bayes Business School. André is an expert in the areas of Organisational Behaviour, Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility. He has published extensively in top scholarly journals. He is also the author of many many books including The Stupidity Paradox, Metaphors we Lead By, The Wellness Syndrome, Business Bullsh*t and Desperately Seeking Self Improvement. He has advised a wide range of organisations on
management and leadership issues. Professor Spicer has also been a regular contributor to the Guardian, the Financial Times, the BBC and other media around the world. Read more.
Yvonne Benschop is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Institute for Management Research at Radboud University, the Netherlands. She is the director of the interdisciplinary research group Gender and Power in Politics and Management.
She has received multiple grants from Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FP7, ESF-EQUAL, NWO-STW, several Ministries in the Netherlands and Flanders, and private organizations for her work on the responsibility of organizations for gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Inspired by feminist organization theories and critical management studies, she studies formal and informal organization processes that produce organizational inequalities, and interventions to change these processes and inequalities.
She currently works on a research project on the influence of postfeminism on gendered leadership, and on sustaining organizational change to intersectional equality in the Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality, INSPIRE.
She was Co-Editor in Chief of Organization between 2015- 2020, sits on the Distinguished Advisory Board of Gender, Work and Organization, and serves on the editorial boards of several other journals, including Organization Theory, British Journal of Management and Human Relations. Publications in English include articles in Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Sex Roles, Organization, Organization Theory, and Gender, Work and Organization. Read more.
Paul du Gay is Professor in the Department of Organization (IOA) at Copenhagen Business School, Professor and Director of Research Impact in the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, and Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford. He has a particular interest in bureaucracy and public service, the ethics of public office-holding, and the history and continuing significance of ‘classical’ organization theory. He is the author, inter alia, of Consumption and Identity at Work (Sage), In Praise of Bureaucracy: Weber/Organisation/Ethics (Sage), Organizing Identity: persons and organisations ‘after theory’ (Sage), For Formal Organisation: the past in the present and future of Organisation Theory (Oxford University Press, with Signe Vikkelsø), and For Public Service: State, Office and Ethics (Routledge, with Thomas Lopdrup Hjorth). His current research focuses on Reason of State as a political morality for the present. Read more.